Why You Need Professional Alarm And Security System Monitoring
As a professional security system installation company we install dozens and dozens of security and alarm systems throughout Greater Vancouver, BC every single year. Some of our clients often choose to not use a professional alarm monitoring service as they’d like to monitor their system on their own in order to save money or have more control. This article will explain why you might want to give this some very careful thought if you are also considering a self-monitored alarm or security system.
The ability to access your system with your smartphone is very appealing to many of our clients and it is a really convenient feature but it’s not a replacement for professional 24/7 monitoring.
Here Are THREE Simple Reasons Why.
- Professional monitoring services operate 24/7/365
- They offer immediate emergency assistance when required
- You can potentially reduce your home insurance cost
Why did you have a security or alarm system installed in the first place? It’s probably to protect your family, or your home and it’s valuables, or maybe it’s to protect your business and it’s assets? Whatever the reason, most of our clients have their security system installed because they don’t want to be the helpless victim of a robbery or a disaster such as a damaging fire or a flood.
With today’s technology, security and alarm systems have come a long way. They can detect when a door, window or garage door has been opened (or broken), they can detect motion and record it for evidence, they can also detect fire, smoke, and water in the case of flooding. These features offer awesome protection for your property but when the alert comes in, what happens if you’re not around your smartphone to react? What if you’re sleeping and don’t hear the phone? Or on vacation, or travelling on an airplane, or swimming in a pool, or out relaxing on a beach somewhere and something happens at your home or property? Do you really think you’re going to be able to react as fast as a professional team who monitors the system 24/7? It’s highly unlikely and actually very dangerous to assume you’d be that quick, all the time, no matter the circumstance.
If you’re self-monitoring your system the notification is certainly delivered instantly to your smartphone but it’s not delivered to anyone else, that would be your job. Notifying the appropriate local authorities in the event of a break-in or a fire must be done immediately, not when you get back to your phone or back into a service area! In these instances, mere seconds can matter!
Here’s What Must Happen When An Alarm Is Triggered
- You must determine the threat is real and not a false alarm.
- You must notify the appropriate authorities, this could mean looking up phone numbers or contact details at a very inconvenient time.
- You need to stay in the communication loop so you know what’s going on.
These are all items that a professional security monitoring team can have accomplished within seconds of your alarms being triggered, this happens regardless of where you are or what you happen to be doing! Rather than waiting minutes or possibly hours for assistance, in the event of a real emergency the proper authorities will be notified within seconds. In the event of a fire or break and enter robbery this fast response could be the difference.
There Is a Better, Safer Way And That’s Hiring A Professional Monitoring Service!
Getting smartphone alerts about your security system or alarm system are great. They’ll let you know that everything is going okay, or that you need to call and check in with your kids and take care of simple things, non emergency things. Like a courier dropping a package, a water delivery, or other routine tasks. For a real emergency, where your family, or your home and valuables are at risk, there is no substitute for professional security system monitoring.
You can have the peace of mind knowing that professionals are on stand-by at all times should there ever be an alert sent from your system. Before you’ve had a chance to react our team will have already taken appropriate action and you’ll be kept in the communication loop. If an emergency should happen it will certainly be stressful for you, but much less so, knowing that you’ve got a team of professionals on your side, working tirelessly on your behalf to keep your family, your home, your business, and your valuables safe.
If you’d like to sign up for professional security monitoring or discuss your needs and available options please give our office a call (604) 522-2121 and our friendly security experts will be able to answer your questions and provide you with the best in alarm monitoring Vancouver has to offer.